Thursday, January 28, 2010

QuickTax Scam

I purchased this product online last year and specifically indicated that I did not want to automatically renew my purchase of this product this year. Not that the Quicktax 2008 was bad, but I just did not want to see an automatic charge on my account. I rather wait till tax time, when I need the program, then purchase one after checking out the available products on the market. Well, I just checked my credit card statement and I have this automatic charge from Intuit Canada for $44.79. I am just absolutely disgusted about this and consider this a very dishonest business practice. After three tries of calling the company, I got hold of a manager (Tina) who told me that the company sends out email every year to their customers (not just those who are in an automatic renewal program) to automatically charge them for the new version of the product, and if they do not want the product, they have to email back and cancel it. I remembered seeing an email from Intuit and deleted it without reading it, and I guess that was how I was charged. So beware of this scam!!


Anonymous said...

Here's another one. Audit Defense looks like it comes with the product. It doesn't. It costs another 40 bucks.

That is false advertising Quicktax style.

QuickTaxGeoff said...

Hi Benjamin,
Geoff here with the QuickTax team. Sorry you didn’t have a great experience with us. While the majority of our customers appreciate the benefits of the QuickTax Advantage (Auto Renewal) program after they sign up for it, we try to fix the issue for anyone who doesn’t. Because customers sign up for QuickTax Advantage when they’re preparing the previous year’s taxes (long before they actually receive the next year’s software), we take a number of steps to remind them:

1. We send a letter by mail at the end of September, providing details of your User Account Name and Temporary Password. This is the first time we inform customers they have the option to choose a shipping and billing date, change the version of QuickTax, or cancel their autorenewal subscription before we bill for it.
2. We provide this same information by e-mail in October and November.

The QuickTax Advantage program is only available to those customers who choose it by selecting the option. Let me emphasize that we otherwise do not automatically charge customers. I apologize that our agent wasn’t sufficient clear.

Lastly, one of your readers commented about our Audit Defence service. This is clearly called out as an add-on option in all our communications. Here’s a link to the Audit Defence web page.

If you need a hand sorting out your refund, feel free to contact me. My contact info is listed here:
